Your body hears everything your mind says.
Naomi Judd
My passion for kinesiology.
“I’m passionate about Kinesiology and love how it provides the means of talking directly to the body. Kinesiology gives me the tools to help address clients’ health issues by removing imbalances caused by the stresses and traumas of modern life. This allows the body to return to its natural state of being, balanced and feeling healthy.”
My name is Simon Lawton. I am an experienced Systematic Kinesiologist trained to the highest standard by TASK. I am passionate about Kinesiology and love how it directly communicates with the body to identify and rectify the root cause of health issues allowing it to return to its natural state of health.
I came into Kinesiology through experiencing my own health issues. These started at the age of 30, and included irregular heartbeats, poor digestion, lower back problems, shoulder problems, a neuroma and a fistula. I’d led a healthy lifestyle, took regular exercise, wasn’t overweight, didn’t drink excessively, never smoked, never did drugs, didn’t eat junk food – so why was my body continually letting me down? After one particularly low point, when a physiotherapist told me that I would have to get used to being unable to do my favourite activities, like hiking and gardening, I decided to explore alternative approaches.
In my search for answers, I came across the concept of muscle testing as a means of detecting imbalances in the body. Intrigued, I investigated it further and that’s when I first learned about Kinesiology. I decided to try it, and it has changed the course of my life.
During my first Kinesiology session, I experienced muscle testing and was amazed. I could feel the changes in muscle response when nutrition was placed under my jaw. After the corrections had been applied, resisting the muscle test felt effortless, demonstrating that the imbalances had been corrected.
In that session, we had identified what nutritional support I needed, what emotions were impacting my body and that I was sensitive to wheat. That surprised me as I hadn’t experienced typical gluten intolerance reactions, but I ate a lot of bread and pasta; the accumulative effect on the integrity of my gut was impacting the whole body. After that first session, I decided to train as a Kinesiologist and the rest is, as they say, history.
My health issues continued to improve through regular sessions. Muscle testing revealed that I had a misaligned sacroiliac joint, the root cause of my lower back problems. Once this misalignment was corrected, the impacted ligaments started to recover with the help of supplements. I am now pain-free and able to do all those activities the physiotherapist said that I wouldn’t be able to do. Thank goodness I didn’t listen to him! I also experienced some unexpected benefits – my digestion is much improved, my waist size returned to levels I hadn’t seen since I was a student and my hay fever, which I had suffered from since I was a teenager, completely disappeared. Now, as a practising Systematic Kinesiologist, I would like others to experience the remarkable benefits of Kinesiology and the freedom that improved health brings.
Simon Lawton Kinesiology – Epsom, Surrey.
If you wish to make an appointment or inquire about how Kinesiology may be helpful for you, please get in touch with me using any of the options listed below. My clinic is based in Epsom, Surrey – near the racecourse. Parking is available.
07974 155252
Simon Lawton Kinesiology, 85 Downs Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 5JT.
Use the form below to email me with a booking request or for further information.
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